You can obtain bills through different methods within the game:
- When playing games. For each game won, you will get a prize in bills. In addition, you will accumulate bills as you progress on the board. In case you lose the game, you will only get the bills that you have accumulated on the board.
- In the Pick-A-Prize game. You will have a chance to win bills if you select the reward token in Pick-A-Prize.
- Through the Daily Bonus. Every time you claim the daily bonus, you will get a prize in bills.
- By spinning the Lucky Spin. If the wheel arrow stops at the bill option, you will be rewarded with bills.
- In the shop. There you can buy different packages of bills.
- Participating in the Ranking. In case you manage to finish in the first positions of your league, you will be able to win different chests that will contain bundles of bills.
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